Second guest speaker----Matt Tolentino

       Matt Tolentino is one of my school's professor, he works for technique parts. He also has his own business. From his speaking, he mentions that when he knew there were part of firefighters got injured when dealing with fires, he decided to create a device which can provide multiple useful information for firefighter team to detect there member's situation, if one of firefighter has an emergency situation at the fire scene, the device will submit a "packet" to host device, to let leader know where is this firefighter, this will reduce the loss during fire fighting.
       Of course, everything doesn't go straight forwards. When he started this idea, the fire station didn't accept his suggestions. But Matt didn't give up, he starts finding people and creating a demo device, so that when next time, he can show how useful this idea is. The fact is he is successful. Right now, there only have four people in his team, but they have a large market to set up their business.
       So, one of the main things I get from his speaking is, if you are a technical company, you should have your own special patent, this will brings you a lot of money, and helping your company grow. Also, you don't need a lot of people for your company, you should choose what you need. Just like Matt, he only has three employees, one for software, one for hardware and one for selling. They are a nice team to work together.

